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Контрольно – измерительный материал к промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 5 "Б" классе

Автор: Каскова Светлана Ивановна

Контрольно – измерительный

 материал к промежуточной

аттестации по  английскому языку  

в 5Б  классе.






Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами A-D и заголовками 1-5 . Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Tom’s Sunday.

2. At school.

3. My family.

4. My holidays.

5. Kate’s pets.


A. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. My parents are doctors. They work at the hospital. My brother is a good sportsman.

B. I go to school 5 times a week. I like going to school. I like my friends and teachers. I like English. At the English lesson we speak, read and write. I like speaking and reading English very much.

C. Kate likes animals. She has a cat, a dog and fishes. Her cat Pussy is old. She is 14. She is grey. She likes fish and meat. She doesn’t play. She always sleeps. Kate's dog Jim is young. He is 2. He is black. He likes running and jumping.

D.Тоm likes Sunday. On Sunday he gets up late. He doesn’t go to school. On Sunday he walks, plays with friends in the yard, reads books or watches TV. He plays computer games every Sunday. He loves it very much.

Use  of English

I. Выберите правильную форму глагола to be  (am, is, are)

1.  Bob …. a pupil.

2. Jane and Philip …. talking to grandma.

3. I ….. having coffee.

4. Dad’s car …. in the garage.

5. There ….  four chairs in the living room.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.


1. Paul often … sentences from French into English in the lesson.

  a) translates    b)will translate      c) translated

2. My friends … a new computer game during the break tomorrow.

  a) discuss       b) will discuss         c) discussed

3. Yesterday Andrew and his friends … to the cinema.

   a) go             b)went                    c) will go

4. Look! Helen and Kate ____ dancing on the dance floor.

    a) are           b) am                      с) is

5. Paul is ____ and _____ cola.

     a) sit, drink      b) sitting, drinking    

6. We _____ to disco every week.

     a) go                b) will go    c) goes 

7. Tom ……. basketball. 
     a) not likes       b) doesn't likes      c) doesn't like
8. I ……. apples every day.
     a) eat                b) eats                    c) am eating


III. Выберите нужную форму степеней сравнения прилагательных.

1. My car is ____ than yours.

     a) faster             b)  fast             c) the fastest

2. It is the ____ book.

      a) interestinger     b) interestingest         c)  most interesting

3. Thursday is the ____ day of the week! We have seven lessons.

     a) bad                  b) worst                   c) baddest

IV. Напишите артикль: the    или    - .

1.     Red Sea

2.     ... Hyde Park

3.      ... Africa

4.     … Alps

5.     … Moscow

V. Напишите форму множественного числа существительных.

1.     a dog-

2.     a fox-

3.     a man-

4.     a mouse-

5.     a fish-